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A Challenge to Gates

For all the money it is pouring into education, the foundation is missing an opportunity to make a huge difference – by bringing focus to education research, writes Garrison Walters.

The Joyful Professor

You can shift from surviving the life of a faculty member to thriving as one, writes Barbara Spang Minsker.

Ask the Administrator: Will They Still Need Me When I'm 64?

A new correspondent writes: I am a year away from going up for continuing contract. This is my state’s version...

Critical Motherhood

Connecticut, USA Photo: Afshan Jafar Afshan Jafar Ever since I can remember, I have been a talker. I was never...

Interstate 69

Interstate 69: The Unfinished History of the Last Great American Highway by Matt Dellinger tells the story what may prove...

Climate has gender (?)

I'm not sure about what the implications of this might be, but somehow I expect there will be some. According...

Math Geek Mom: Exponential Growth

When I was a child, there was a commercial on (black and white) TV that had a very happy woman...

The Rain in Spain...

Last week, there was a thought-provoking post over at IHE about lessons that the nonprofit sector of higher ed could...