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Evidence and Arguments

Wick Sloane testifies at the trial of the alleged murderers of one of his community college students.

Can Your Data Come Out to Play?

When I was planning to attend a conference in San Francisco last fall, I had to find a cheaper hotel...

Global Challenges and Universities: An IU Perspective

Editors' note: we are very pleased to mark the start of 2011 with Karen Hanson's thought provoking response to Nigel...

Mothering at Mid-Career: New Year's Thoughts

I’m not much of a resolution-maker; I’m too afraid I’d be a resolution-breaker to even go down that road. And...

4 Reasons to Read "Four Fish"

Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food by Paul Greenberg Reason 1: You loved Kurlansky's Cod: A Biography...

The Interview Uniform

Candidates packing for MLA interviews -- especially women -- put themselves at risk by deviating from sartorial expectations, writes Melissa Nicholas.

2011: The Year Ahead in IT

Lev Gonick presents 10 myths for the coming year and what they mean for higher education information technology.

Black Swans and Ed Tech in 2011

All of us love to think about the future. What ed tech trends will emerge in 2011? What new technologies...