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Entangled and Enchanted

Scott McLemee reviews Kay Harel’s Darwin’s Love of Life: A Singular Case of Biophilia.

Maintaining Inclusion in Engineering in a Post-Dobbs World

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling and state laws will adversely impact marginalized groups in engineering and STEM, so we must rethink recruitment and retention, write Marjolein C. H. van der Meulen, Jennifer S. Wayne, Naomi C. Chesler and Lori A. Setton.

3 Questions About Industry-University Partnerships

A conversation with University of Michigan colleague James DeVaney.

Why Not Both?

Both tenure and unions are crucial for protecting the rights of faculty and other academic professionals in American higher education, Irene Mulvey and Randi Weingarten write.

Higher Ed Failing Students as They Navigate College and Career

Providing better service to students must go well beyond just being friendlier and making office hours more convenient, writes Seth Bodnar of the University of Montana.