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First-Person Singular

Scott McLemee highlights forthcoming university press books of a more personal nature.

A Double Standard for Students at Risk?

Universities should recognize and reconsider the differential treatment they offer Global South students fleeing persecution, writes Isabella Aung.

Friday Fragments

Grad students teaching, the obvious answer to the Ohio State story, and The Girl humbles me.

F. Scott and the Qatar World Cup

In watching the World Cup in Qatar in a world rife with whataboutism, David S. Busch reflects on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s definition of intelligence.

3 Questions about BU Questrom’s Online M.B.A.

A conversation with Charlotte Wang, lead learning facilitator.

Scandals in the Ivory Tower

Corruption, fraud and academic misconduct aren’t isolated occurrences in colleges and universities. They’re products of misdirected academic structures, incentives and cultures.

Play the Long Game

Higher education must do much more to support and value the intellectual, scholarly work of teaching, write Martha Diede, Jessica Dewey and Michelle Pautz.