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3 Pieces of Advice on Career Navigation for Alternative Academics

These are the things I always say to alt-ac colleagues when they ask for my thoughts on building their careers.

The F Word

Faculty is the key to student success.

Same Tools, New Uses: What if We Rethink the Internship?

College leaders must be willing to ask these eight what-if questions related to internships, writes Liz Langemak, who works with student entrepreneurs.

Open the Title IV Door

The federal financial aid system is locking students out of more affordable learning options, Burck Smith writes.

On Writing and Decoding Recommendation Letters

While a time-consuming task for seasoned professors, it can be much more daunting for junior faculty who may never have seen a letter of recommendation before, including those sent on their behalf, writes Mohammed Albakry.

When ‘College as Home’ Is Not a Metaphor

When campuses are students’ primary or only home.

University Leaders Have a Responsibility to Speak Out

Leaders should model thoughtful, respectful disagreement and bridge divisions in ideologies.

Neutrality and Nearsightedness

Choosing not to see something doesn’t make it go away.