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‘The Equality Machine’ and the Inclusive University

Developing a more balanced vision of the role of AI and big data on the future of higher education.

Students and Teachers Want Video. Where Will It Come From?

It’s time for providers and distributors to step up more and include video as an integral part of learning materials, writes ed-tech investor Vera Song.

Reimagining Democracy Through Student Activism

Colleges would better serve students, themselves and the nation by building structures that promote student activism rather than those that repress it, Margaret T. Brower writes.

The 12 Days of Finals

Updating a traditional holiday ode.

From Leaning Out to Diving In

How did a professor go from wanting to quit her job to being excited about helping her university? Rachel Toor explains.

8 Ways to Improve the Quality and Effectiveness of College Teaching

Yes, we can strengthen teaching without imposing on faculty autonomy.