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Congress Should Fix Financial Aid Offers

A task force won’t do the trick: congressional action is needed to address the problem of misleading financial aid offers, Wesley Whistle writes.

How Not to Spend Your Time in a Reputational Crisis

Laurie Fenlason highlights five things communications leaders and their colleagues shouldn’t be grappling with when a lot is on the line.

Guest Post: AI Will Augment, Not Replace

A guest post from Marc Watkins of the University of Mississippi, the second in a likely series on freaking out about ChatGPT.

Deconstructing ChatGPT on the Future of Continuing Education

The future has arrived in continuing education—however, many have yet to realize the arrival.

Why Do We Need a Liberal Arts Capstone?

Beyond capstones for majors, special courses that encourage interaction across disciplines can be especially useful for students launching into careers or grad school, writes David Droppa.

Is College Too Hard?

With students highly stressed even when they are studying less, educators need to understand how much homework is helpful, David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler write.