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Why the Unconscious Matters

Because, to a surprising extent, our lives are governed by unconscious forces, impulses and processes.

On Seeing Former Colleagues

Setting a workplace climate as a leadership skill.

The King of Rock ’n’ Roll: The Myth, the Man and His Cultural Significance

The cultural politics behind the most enduring icon of the last century.
The book cover for Denise Gigante’s Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America.

A Book of Books

Scott McLemee reviews Denise Gigante’s Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America.

Let’s Talk About Mental Health

When mental health topics are taboo, grad students suffer in silence, write Christiann Gaines and Rebekah Layton, who explore ways the academic community can support trainees.

Rising Production Cost – and Rising Resentment

The reasons why higher ed costs so much to produce also explain why historical esteem for higher education has shifted to resentment, write Bruce A. Kimball and Sarah M. Iler.