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Be a Gate Opener, Not a Gatekeeper

We teach students the rules for applying to grad school—but what if we committed, equally, to rewriting the rules that have historically excluded many students, Michael A. Hunt asks.

Does College Need to Be 4 Years?

Should colleges ditch the costly four-year straitjacket?

5 Steps for Successful Shared Governance

Keith D. Renshaw offers a practical model based on his expertise in couples’ therapy as an analogue for thinking about how faculty and administrators might best work together.

Is a Merger a Closure by Another Name?

Extreme care must be taken to ensure the smaller college’s mission is preserved, Jim Murphy writes.

Why ‘The Guest Lecture’ Is This Year’s Must-Read Academic Novel

A sleepless night with Keynes while preparing to lecture on the economic possibilities for our grandchildren.

Friday Fragments

Student hunger, ’90s memories and some thank-yous.

Why Faculty Must Learn to Swim in Other Waters

To help students prepare for jobs, we need to learn new skills, writes Rachel Toor.