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Embrace AI To Boost Your Enrollment Marketing Team’s Productivity

Advantages include: automation, personalization and increased engagement.

Generative AI Is Only as Good as the Prompt You Give It

It is ironic that much of the early conversation about ChatGPT had to do with the demise of writing skills when, in fact, the very success of generative-AI searches is determined by the quality of precisely written prompts.

Teacher writes a big C on a blackboard

Getting a Grasp on Grade Grubbing

Over the past three years, the leniency with grading and academic standards has hurt both faculty members and students, and we need to reset expectations, writes Kerry O’Grady.

A stack of three books, stamped with the words "Diversity," "Equity" and "Inclusion."

10 Ways to Appropriate DEI

Advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion should be wary of these 10 (mis)uses of the language and principles of DEI, Alena Wolflink writes.

A blue silhouette drawing of a group of people holding up protest signs, engaging in activism, many with their arms raised.

Organizing for the Common Good

Edward Schortman considers what is at stake as union organizing among student workers intensifies.

Tales of an Adjunct, Part 2: This Isn’t Notre Dame!

Adjuncts have always just wanted to do their jobs. How hard can it be?