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Book cover for Debra Hawhee's "A Sense of Urgency."

Heavy Weather

Scott McLemee reviews Debra Hawhee’s new book on climate and rhetoric.

Four businesspeople examine a data visualization on a virtual screen.

Data Skills Are Just as Important as Soft Skills in Higher Education

Higher education needs to prepare students for a data-driven world, but so far it is falling short. Here’s how to get there, writes data science expert Nathan Kelber.

Can These Institutions Be Saved?

Can higher ed step up and walk the talk?

The Other Climate Crisis

How to teach responsibly in today’s highly polarized political climate.

hands of woman writing at a computer on outside table in the summer

2 Reminders for a Productive Summer of Writing

You need to know that it will never go quite as planned and learn to lean into pleasure, advises Mary Anne Lewis Cusato.

A sign bearing the University of Phoenix's name and logo.

Are We Losing the ‘Public’ in Public Higher Ed?

The University of Idaho’s plan to buy the University of Phoenix is a symptom of public universities operating more like for-profits, Neal Hutchens and Frank Fernandez write.