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Bridging the Moat Between K-12 and Higher Ed

Administrative and cultural disconnects between high schools and colleges -- particularly highly selective ones -- widen our equity and achievement gaps.

HBCUs Are Not 'Wakandas Forever'

No academic institutions are perfect, even for faculty members of color.

A Dean Passes Himself Off as a Professor

An essay about the faculty's "social contract" with students was misleading because its author is a full-time administrator.

Another View of Online Internships

Many virtual internships are valuable.

Don't Underestimate Value of Short-Term Credentials

Underestimating the value of short-term credentials.

Boosting Adoption of Open Educational Resources

Institutional and system initiatives to promote OER can increase faculty adoption of the curricular materials.

Faculty Should Question Administrators' Ideas and Assumptions

Professors have an obligation to "sharply criticize ideas they believe to be incorrect, and challenge facts they believe to be unsupported."

Tightening the 90/10 Rule Is Not Unfair

To the Editor: The argument made by some people in your March 2 article ("Tightening the 90/10 Rule") that closing...