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To the editor:

I am writing in reference to the February 25, 2022 article headlined “WPI Faculty Blast Outgoing President.”  The article cites a letter written by WPI faculty governance leadership to members of the Board of Trustees addressing our upcoming presidential search. 

It was sent as the board began to solicit information from the WPI community on the qualities required of WPI’s next president and on recommendations for the search process itself. Representing a broad consensus view among elected faculty governance leaders, the letter was forward-thinking, positive and constructive. 

The inconsistency between the purpose and content of our letter, on the one hand, and the headline’s inference about the letter, on the other, does a disservice to those inside and outside of higher education who look to IHE for accurate and nuanced reporting of the state of the profession.

--Mark Richman
Secretary of the Faculty
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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