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College Isn't Widget-Making

Getting a higher education is about more than merely getting a job, Jeffrey Kurtz argues.

Markes for Faculty Salaries

Edward P. Manning takes issue with a blog.

Another Viewpoint on Assessing Institutional Effectiveness

Assessment has value, but measurement and overdependence on accreditation aren't the answer.

Civility Demands Less Preaching, More Teaching

In response to the November 3rd article " The Day After Tomorrow," I felt empowered to write this response. While...

No Longer 'The Amateur Hour'

Jonathan Zimmerman's critique of college teaching doesn't account for the significant investment that many institutions and organizations have made in professional development for the faculty.

Understanding the Black Experience

A college counselor considers our series on the Black experience.

In Defense of Ties

"A well chosen and correctly worn tie still says that the wearer cares what they look like and cares what sort of image they want to project."