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Don't Assume Tide Has Turned on Hiring of Presidents

Increase in appointments of Black and Hispanic leaders is encouraging, but we should be wary of assuming the progress is permanent.

Stacking the Deck in Support of Online Education

Seeking a level playing field in assessing the quality of virtual and remote courses.

'Biological Reality' Is Messy

Angie Kirk's op-ed "uses a scientifically unsound argument to legitimize legal discrimination under the euphemistic slogan of fairness for women."

Flawed Article on University of Arizona Global Campus

"The accusatory tone of the piece and the lack of context are deeply disturbing and misleading."

The Broken Link Between Higher Education and Sustainable Employment (letter)

Affordable education is essential to leveling the playing field for marginalized populations in the workforce.

The Non-Economic Value of Open Educational Resources

Explaining the pedagogical, learning and communal benefits of OER.

The Need for System Change to Help the Marginalized

Leaders sometimes misuse ther authority "with the support of the very structures that are meant to mediate and adjudicate issues for employees" who lack power.

Critical Race Theory, or 'Truth'?

A reader wonders if critical race theory courses challenge students to consider alternative viewpoints.