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Is China Shifting Toward a Binary System?

Chinese higher education enrollment soared from 3.4 million in 1998 to 22.3 million in 2010, a 6.6 times increase over 12 years.

Riding the Tide of MOOCs

William Shakespeare noted a while back “there is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."

Disaggregating Higher Education

Partnerships seem to be the name of the game with many nonprofit institutions taking on for-profit partners.

Time for an Academic Bitcoin

It’s time to stop beating the university degree to death for all of its limitations and move on to a new way to document postsecondary achievement that reflects today’s realities and options.

Brain Drain Favoring Latin America?

Half of professors in Catalonia earn between €300 (associate professors) and €1,200 (post-docs) per month (US $409 and $1,637, respectively); professors with more stable positions earn salaries that are competitive in the European Union.

Australia Uncapped

The experiment with uncapping student numbers at Australian universities has been in operation for two years but despite the predictions of falling standards, there has been no significant change in retention statistics.

Light at the end of the funnel

Many affirmative action programs emerge in Brazil, but most struggle with limited number of places in public higher education.

The Volatility of International Student Flows

More countries and institutions thinking of international students as commodities to be traded are contributing to more volatility in the flow of international students, and this may have consequences for budgets and academic programs.