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Bullies in Admissions

AIRC was single-minded in its determination to have NACAC's 'permission' for member institutions to work with agents. NACAC backed down.

Brazil's scary PISA results

Brazil performs below the average in mathematics (ranks between 57 and 60), reading (ranks between 54 and 56) and science (ranks between 57 and 60) among the 65 countries and economies that participated.

PISA and Argentina

From 2005 to 2010, with a soaring economy, the Argentine government significantly increased public spending on education, mainly allocated to higher salaries for teachers.

Shame on us (as in U.S.)!

The concentration of funds into the compensation of a single person on a university campus when so many programs are facing stagnant or decreasing budgets is irrational.

Benchmarking or Competing?

International comparisons divert attention from the main purpose of the educational enterprise and often influence national policy; in that sense, they are dangerous.

Can China Excel in Global Brain Race?

During the absence of many expatriate Chinese, China has emerged as the world’s second largest economy with the confidence that it may surpass the U.S. to become the wealthiest nation around 2020.

World Bank’s Africa Initiative: Forgetting the Faculty

The World Bank has announced a “Centers of Excellence” initiative that will provide $158 million to a select group of African universities.