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Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

Frequently, when work is done at the request of an organization, government agency, or private firm, and published for public distribution, no author or editor is listed.

Treacherous Ambivalence

The 2015-Millenium Development Goals (MDBs) need to explicitly speak to the expansion and revitalization of higher education in the advancement of socio-economic development.

Australia-Africa Network Strengthened

Worldwide, Africa’s visibility is still low on the higher education horizon. The lack of attention to Africa ignores its size and diversity — 55 nations, with a population of 1 billion.

Unveiling Talent

Today Saudi women represent more than half of the university enrollment in the kingdom. The trend is unstoppable.

Nation-Building From the University Classroom

A generation from now, it is possible that Libya could become a regional higher education hub.

PISA Implications for Higher Ed

OECD has just published results of its assessment of student proficiency in 45 countries and regions of problem-solving at age 15.

The Complexities of Cross-Border Engagement

Several forms of cross-border or transnational engagement in the higher ed press recently have focused on alternatives to the highly scrutinized brick and mortar international branch campuses.

A Newborn in Bahia

This new Federal University of the South of Bahia will not be “more of the same” on the Brazilian landscape.