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The African Quest for Nurturing Doctoral Education

Now that African higher education is undergoing “massification,” the quest for PhDs for the proliferating new institutions has become paramount.

Brazil, lost in the rankings

Earlier in October the Brazilian press announced that the University of São Paulo, usually considered the best university south of Rio Grande, had disappeared from the top list of 200 institutions of the Times Higher Education rankings, together with the prestigious State University of Campinas.

Questionable Grades on the ENEM in Brazil

In 2013 the exam will be taken by the amazing number of 7.17 million participants. The grade on the exam is accepted as the only criterion for access at an increasing number of universities.

A Small Step Forward for China

On October 9, in Hefei, nine elite Chinese universities signed a statement endorsing open inquiry, scientific integrity, and other academic values as the key components of a modern research university.

Why Do Chinese Students Seem Apolitical?

With greater access to international social media and commentary, why do Chinese students appear to be uninterested in social justice issues?

Non-Native Speakers in the Classroom

What happens with we hear a word or phrase that makes no sense to us? If we are following a conversation or (worse!) a lecture or discussion in the classroom, we are often derailed.

More Mergers in Brazil

Estácio Participações announced it would buy part of the group Uniseb for R$ 615.3 millions ($280 million). Estácio Participações currently operates 77 campuses in Brazil.

The Train has Left the Station: So What!

Call me an idealist — I don’t mind. I continue to watch the debate over the use of commissioned agents for international student recruitment and my stomach turns over.