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Internationalization, more than revenue

Internationalization should be much more than student recruitment to generate revenue.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Stay Academic

A faculty salary that could purchase a 60 meter apartment in Philadelphia would acquire only slightly more than 1square meter (!) in Shanghai.

What’s a Brand Worth? Evidence From the Gulf

Qataris are paying hundreds of millions a year for – the right to be associated with the prestige of several institutions. That’s what brand is all about— apparently, it’s worth up to a couple of hundred thousand dollars per student.

Internationalization vs. Cultural Appropriation

We need some perspective on where cultural sensitivity is needed (and lacking) and where it is misplaced.

A Typology of “Free Tuition”

To some degree, freeness is in the eye of the beholder.

Institutionalized Separation of Research and Teaching in Ukraine

In Ukraine research and education are institutionally separated — separated during the Soviet era, and remaining separate for the twenty-five years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Austrian Universities and the Refugee Crisis

Universities have embraced the responsibility to respond to the refugee crisis swiftly and seriously while the government has been criticized for reacting slowly and inadequately.

Some Notable Nordic News

Free tuition, whatever its benefits, also has some pitfalls.