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A National Celebration of Teaching Quality — Briefly

Every year the Office of Teaching and Learning handed out awards with substantial monetary awards to excellent teachers and innovative programs. Getting nominated was a big deal.

Shifting Grounds in Higher Education Partnerships

Historically, Northern institutions are manifestly dominant in North-South partnerships— with limited input from Southern partners.

Commercialization and Fraud in International Student Recruitment

International education in the U.S., as in Australia and Britain, has apparently become an industry, in which international marketing and recruitment is increasingly outsourced to commercial operators.

An Entrepreneurial Perspective on Rankings

While most studies lament the damaging effects of the rankings on higher education, the diversification of the ranking industry may better account for the multidimensional features of academic quality and challenge the prevailing hierarchies of prestige in higher education.

Private Sector in Latin America

Although highly controversial, new forms of private higher education have been used by both right and left regimes in Latin America.

The Slippery Business of Plagiarism

Students, especially those who come from corrupt environments where plagiarism is prevalent, but ignored, or seen as a trivial offense, need better guidance.

Data and Rankings: A Healthy Debate

A few weeks ago, the Times Higher Education published a new ranking of “top attractors of industry funds." In these two essays Alex Usher and Phil Baty offer two perspectives on the usefulness and validity of this newest ranking.

Quality in Africa: New Initiatives

The poor quality of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa has been the subject of many articles, reports and papers. The situation has significantly improved; but more, much more remains to be done.