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Funding International Students:

The announcement that Cornell is adjusting its admissions policy for international students from need-blind to “need aware” only seems to add to the confusion about who we enroll from abroad and why.

The Ups and Downs of Building and Sustaining World Class Universities

There are some who insist that the university is constantly in a state of crisis, aggravated perhaps by political crisis. I do not agree.

Are International Students in the Classroom a Win-Win?

You cannot put people with different experiences, different values, and different backgrounds together and just assume that mutual respect and harmony will result. It might, but it is more likely that it won’t.

Polish Universities Respond to Refugee Crisis

Supporting refugees takes not only political will on the part of university leaders but also budgetary decisions by faculty councils.

Measure of Internationalization?

Geography influences the results of the International Outlook Ranking more than an institution's strategic decisions.

Do National Policies on Internationalization Work?

Will national internationalization policies ultimately achieve their short- and long-term, goals? Only time will tell. But perhaps the bigger question is what the overall impact of such policies will be on higher education worldwide.

International Students, Support Structures and Equity

It is imperative that institutions provide sufficient support services to facilitate the adjustments international students must make and to give students and scholars an opportunity to articulate their own needs.

China's Path to 'World Class' System Needs a Compass

In October, China’s central government (the State Council) launched the next stage of its campaign for world-class status for its universities.