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Change Through the Creation of a Consortium in Brazil

In April 2013, a group of administrators from eleven public and private Brazilian institutions met and crated, the Consortium STHEM.

Has Political Correctness Run Amok?

As modern societies come to terms with the darker chapters of their history, it is not surprising that controversies appear.

Dilemmas of Partnerships in the Arab World

Arab universities, regardless of their resources, are no longer interested in being cash cows in exchange only for the privilege of being associated with a prestigious foreign university.

Critical Reflections on 2015 Open Doors Numbers

Nearly one million (974,926) international students are studying in the U.S., an increase of 10% over last year, and 304.467 American students are going abroad. But some perspective on these data is required.

Is the Whole Just a Collection of Parts?

Increasingly, US institutions are granting credit towards degree for “pre” or “extra” learning in lieu of campus-based, campus-designed curricula.

Rankings, Mergers, Development

This is the final part of an extended interview between Daniel Kontowski and Philip Altbach, who consider challenges for Polish universities as they discuss critical issues for higher education.

The ENEM: A Giant Bottleneck for Brazil

Millions of Brazilians are about to take the ENEM, a national high school leaving exam, originally conceived as a mechanism for monitoring secondary school performance.

The International Classroom

For all students, international and national, to be successful, we should avoid seeing them as “cash cows,” but rather as motivated students in search of a quality education.