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A new sheriff in town

One of the most frequent topics when sustainability wonks get together, in person or online, is "greenwashing". Greenwashing -- the...

Creature comforts; dealing with dinosaurs

Last summer, executives at three of Japan's largest banks decreed that all their offices would be cooled only to 82...

Higher ed opportunities -- hi-tech, lo-tech

First, the hi-tech -- a tremendous opportunity for innovative engineering and business schools. I know this isn't going to win...

Another way not to sustain ourselves

As a campus sustainability wonk, much of my work has to do with carbon dioxide equivalent. How much did Greenback...

Research in the eating lab

There's been a thread recently on the Green Schools List about the impacts experienced by colleges and universities which have...

Think globally, AASHE regionally

OK, just one more post emanating from AASHE 2008, and then I won't mention it again. I promise. Unless I'm...

Breaking hab - its hard to do

Over the last year or so I've gone to 1 or 2 conferences, taken 1 or 2 training classes, visited...

AASHE 2008 - Tuesday, Nov. 11

So if the title is "Tuesday", why am I posting this on a Thursday? Simple -- when the conference ended...