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AASHE2008 - Monday, November 10

It doesn't make sense. Fourteen hours of mostly sitting around shouldn't leave me more tired (and certainly more stiff) than...

AASHE2008 - On the road again

To save gas, money and GHG emissions, a number of us from the Backboro area shared a ride to AASHE...

Must-see in Raleigh?

Greenback U is located in the northeastern quadrant of the lower 48. Raleigh, NC is in the southeast quadrant. And...

My! Oh, my! Oh, Myco!

Lost among the stories about the ongoing election, NPR's "Day to Day" program on Tuesday carried a bit about a...

First things first

Officially, it's not yet over. Effectively, it ended past my bedtime. But even at the relatively early hour that a...

Economic and Ecologic Elucidations

One of the issues which often raises its head when I speak about sustainability to local groups -- both on...

Cleaner Air, Cooler Planet

Doing a greenhouse gas inventory for a college or university involves crunching a lot of numbers. Activities which generate emissions...

Bad news/good news

First, the bad news. (And I guess the bad news could be good news, if you look at it a...