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Fear of faculty

The various tasks that fall to me as Greenback U's sustainability administrator bring me into contact with an increasingly broad...

Gang aft a-gley

When it comes to reducing campus greenhouse gas emissions, some of the best-intentioned changes have poor results. 'Getting sustainable' requires...

One finger on Arrakis

When I was a lad, I read a piece in a magazine, a book, I don't remember where. It talked...

These items just in

Three recent events of which to take note. Each of them signals a step in the right direction, so be...

Healing ourselves

The sustainability crisis, the economic crisis, the fact that the US Chamber of Commerce (among other bad actors) is trying...

Required reading for reptiles, realists, reformers and radicals

As the title implies, this is reading for everybody. I don't care whether you're concerned about issues of sustainability, national...

Rendering unto Caesar

So, I'm reading Daphne Wysham's pretty good article on Foreign Policy in Focus, about the costs ... errr ... investment...

Parallel, but in reverse

No, I'm not thinking about backing up to parallel park (do drivers know how to do that any more?), although...