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Conservation or efficiency?

I was in the dentist's office, waiting to get my teeth cleaned. The remarkable thing about this situation was that...

When it's better neither to give nor to receive

As a change agent with an audience consisting largely of young adults, I understand the value of tchotchkes. You know...

Welcome to The Year ...

... of Science. Please note: not just a year of science, but The Year of Science! Did you miss all...

Resolving Scope

A front-page article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal goes into some detail about how Dell Computer's announcement earlier this year...

Thoughts on Boxing Day

I'm not sure when or why December 26 became Boxing Day but it always has been, at least in my...


A recent "Grand Avenue" cartoon shows a grandmother and two kids standing in front of a store window. One kid...

A longer story than that

I recently started getting daily environmental digests from ScienceDaily. Each newsletter has more items in it than I have time...

Guilt as a motivating force

Elizabeth Coffman posted a nice discussion on the guilt(s) associated with bicoastal marriages involving children. The "mommy guilt" and also...