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Climate has gender (?)

I'm not sure about what the implications of this might be, but somehow I expect there will be some. According...

Walking the talk, not driving it and not flying it

One of the behaviors I try to account for when I'm doing a greenhouse gas inventory for Greenback U is...

So 20th century

My grandfather has been dead for quite a few years, but he's still teaching me. He worked well into his...

TED gets Linked

One of the most significant annual conferences each year (actually two -- one in the USA and one across the...

Beer really is good for you (or could be)

Often, when I'm talking to someone of a certain age -- not so much students as parents of students --...


In my more cynical moments, I sometimes feel like Merlin in T.H. White's The Once and Future King. Merlin had...

Disasters not made in heaven

President Obama, speaking on the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, made the point that the scope of the disaster --...

The responsibility of research (?)

While I learned a lot from reading Jane Mayer's " Covert Operations" in The New Yorker, little of it shocked...