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Back to breadcrumbs (#7) - Plastiki

In case you missed it a couple of weeks back, a boat constructed almost entirely from re-purposed plastic soda bottles...

A slice of bread - Why companies aren't greener

According to a couple of recent reports, many large US companies want to be operate more sustainably, but really don't...

Bread crumb the sixth - on the canal

In the course of my wanderings, I found a lock. Not a padlock -- a canal lock. At a place...

Bread crumb the fifth - On the highway, at the theater

Yes, I own a car. I also own a truck. Neither one is a hybrid, and both were built in...

Bread crumb the fourth - In the housing development

Whilst traveling through a housing market well-removed from Backboro, I was struck by the prices developers were getting for moderately...

Bread crumb the third - In the museum

I was recently in the Canadian Museum of Civilization. (Does the USA even have a museum of civilization? And what...

Bread crumb the second - In the car

Not too long ago, I had my car repaired. It's got about 100K miles on it and, being a GM...

Bread crumb the first - In the hotel

Recently, Frau R. and I went on vacation, and stayed in a chain hotel (not my favorite choice, but at...