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The wheels go round and round and it comes off here . . . and how . . . and why

One last (for now) thought about bikes. I was walking across campus last week, and a first-year (I'm presuming) student...

Riding right

I'm all in favor of campus no-idling policies. And I'm even more in favor of electric vehicles for on-campus travel...

Vehicle alignment

Greenback U has a sustainable purchasing policy in place. Barring a major difference in price, departments are supposed to consider...


One of the policies Greenback U. has implemented, as it strives to be more environmentally and economically sustainable, prohibits vehicles...


Because a lot of the work I do on campus focuses (or at least touches) on energy efficiency, I get...

Repurposed circuits

Frau R. came back this week from a conference in Tennessee. Whilst away, she picked up a Christmas gift for...

Getting humble

Greenback's campus has been abuzz for the past few days. In conjunction with the opening of the UN General Assembly...

Red lights and roadblocks

I was checking a book out of Greenback's library this morning, and happened to get in line behind a student...