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The most sustaionable product?

I was speaking with a Greenback student and the question was raised, "what's a good example of a sustainable product?"...

Who cares?

No, I'm not referring to the election. I'm referring to the universal meta-question that applies to any research. Academics do...

Pro and con

In advance of election day, I got into a conversation with a bunch of folks around the topic of conservatism...

Project packaging PS

The success of the project bundling technique I touched on depends entirely on being able to mix short-payback projects in...

Packaging projects

Any campus which is trying to become more sustainable has to get there one step -- one project -- at...

It's all that

Sometimes (last week jumps immediately to mind), life can get overwhelming. For me, the trigger is usually the job. I...

Moderation and mayhem

Just a couple of quick thoughts. First, a recent study from NASA/Goddard re-emphasizes the level of CO2 as the primary...

Glad Emanuel's gone

Anyone who voted for Obama in 2008, has been disappointed by the lack of moxie that his administration has shown...