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In Which I Go Off My Nut

The end of every semester is, in a sense, a finality; all those minds I’ve been living in for four...

What Dinty W. Moore Knows

My guest today, Dinty W. Moore, is a writer and professor of English at Ohio University. His books include The...

What Josh Birnbaum Knows

Another of the benefits of revealing my real name and location is the ability to profile remarkable people I’ve met...

Death of a Mentor

Only yesterday did I hear of the death, last September, of Professor Emeritus James J. McNiece, Jr., of Northern Illinois...

Education by Earthquake

When I was very little, my mom took me down to the Mississippi to see a river barge that had...

Weird and Dangerous Days

It’s been one of those weeks. Our semester is nearly done, and at first I blamed the odd events on...

Publishing: Now for the Masses 2

Print on Demand (POD) books have been around for several years, but their production quality wasn’t good, since they’re not...

Where the Grapes of Wrath Are Stored

Or so the sign implies: And as long as you're in the martial spirit, here's one of my short stories...