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Evaluating Writing

Little Truths contest judge Steve Davenport is currently hunkered down with your entries—cogitating, masticating—and I strongly suggest we give him...

Contest Extension

The Little Truths Writing Contest deadline will be extended until midnight, Monday, March 10. You may leave entries of 75...

The Opening Hours of Unofficial St. Pat's

Even if I hadn’t known Unofficial St. Pat’s Day was Friday at Illinois, I would have known something was up...

Contest Reminder

For those of you interested in entering my Little Truths Writing Contest, there's about a week left to get those...

To The Students at Unofficial St. Pat's

Would you people please take it easy, today and tomorrow, and use your heads? I'm coming out to take a...

Guest Post: B.R. Cohen

Today, my friend Ben Cohen helps us mind the gap. Ben is an environmental studies scholar who teaches Science, Technology...

Internet Dreams

Please click through to read a brief plan, by my McSweeney's editor and pal John Warner, to rage against the...

Fruits of My Labor

My sincere thanks to everyone who’s visited any or all of the three rings of this week’s Churm circus. The...