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A Test for Readers

If you’re like me, you never go anywhere without a book, since there’s too great a chance you might be...

Megacity, Many Questions

Our old friend Charlie Hailey, who happens to be young and brilliant, told me I should read the wonderfully-named Lars...

Unfortunate Name, Bad Location, Good Eatin'

Yes, our Department of Animal Sciences works on live animals “to optimize accretion of lean tissue with acceptable quality [by]...

Hot Dog! My First Book!

I’m thrilled to announce that my first novel, long in the making, has been accepted for publication. It was late...

Happy July 4th from the Heartland

She'll have to drop the torch and the tablet to use it, though.

Have We Given Up on the Idea of Earth?

We live with constant news of environmental catastrophe and possible, probable and certain extinctions, including humankind’s. Granted, the reports are...

Writing Workshop as Garden of Forking Paths

Responding to yet another kerfluffle over whether writing workshops are good or evil, good friend of The Education of Oronte...

Tom v. Huck

My son Starbuck, who’s six, is home a lot this summer, so I figured we might find some time to...