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Publishing: Now for the Masses

Of course printed books have been widely available to the masses since the 19th century, when new technologies in paper...

National Poetry Month

The Academy of American Poets, who originated National Poetry Month 12 years ago for the purpose of “bring[ing] together publishers...

3 for the Adjuncts

Happy April Fool’s Day, from registered fool number one. Here are three video clips for your amusement. You don't have...

Elementary Ed in a University Town

Champaign-Urbana is not a small town, though it’s often thought of as one. It’s actually two cities, of course, with...

My Other Stuff

One of the added benefits (for me, anyway) of revealing my real name is being able to share other published...

The Rest of Spring Break

We’re finishing our spring break with a couple of days at the Hyatt on the Chicago River, and this view...

Spring Break

The way I read this chart by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans are spending on average only 20...

Little Truths Contest Winners

It’s time for the big reveal, as they say! Contest judge Steve Davenport’s been reading all week to narrow down...