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Imagining a Different Ending for the Kevin Hart / Oscars Scandal

Is there a scenario where everyone wins, and that makes us all a little better? How would we play for that?

What Makes America Great?

It’s the interwoven fabric of our diverse civil society – and it is in danger.

White Liberals, Black People, and Views on Racism

Should diversity progressives principally be advancing minority communities or progressive worldviews?

Michelle Obama’s Advice for Student Activists

A narrative that communicates that personal excellence and system change are two sides of the same coin.

Be Civil, Not Angry

Democracy benefits from approaches characterized by inquiry, relationships, persuasion and reason – and other reasons why civility is better than anger.

Five Frames for the Midterm Election

The Trump story offers racism and sexism to white rural working class men. What might a progressive story offer?

Campus Administrators Lean Left – Is it a Problem?

There are 12 liberal administrators for every conservative one. What does this mean for our campuses?