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Women Are Angry

When progressives say "women" do we really mean only the women with whom we agree?

After the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Interfaith activities always grow after racist and anti-Semitic attacks. The trick is to focus the energy on building something hopeful, not just fighting something ugly.

On Terrorism at a Pittsburgh Synagogue

A memory and meditation on the Tree of Life tragedy

A Trip Back to Oxford

Higher education is not just about knowledge and skills, but wisdom too.

Asian Americans and Affirmative Action

The dispute raises fascinating intellectual questions about why racism affects minority groups in such different ways.

Toward an Interfaith America

Judeo-Christian was a myth that served a purpose. It’s time to write the next chapter.

Blasey Ford / Kavanaugh and the Zarpie Culture Wars

When we speak of identity groups in essentialist and deterministic ways, we are doing more damage than we think.

Scholarly Scandal, Academic Principles and Public Trust

How the recent journal hoax helps us reflect on core academic principles.