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Some Concerns About Campus Identity Politics

Diversity progressives should be careful about the kind of activism that poisons the atmosphere, because soon even they will be choking on the fumes.

What College Activists Can Learn From Hamilton

Hamilton went from revolutionary college student to nation-builder. Does his example hold lessons for today’s student activists?

Jussie Smollett and the Limits of Identity Politics

There has to be some happy medium between identity determining everything and identity counting for nothing.

When Educational Leaders Invoke 'Safety'

In a diverse democracy, education ought to be about learning and building relationships across lines of difference. Does invoking the concept safety help facilitate either of those goals?

Does Elite Higher Education Function Like White Privilege?

The multicultural meritocracy gives its own a leg up, just not quite in the same way that it used to be done.

The Effects of Racism and the Excesses of Identity Politics

On my experiences of racism as a kid, the liberating multiculturalism I encountered in college and the very different landscape my children navigate now.

Academic Rigor and the Covington Catholic Story

The dangers of offering hot takes on current events for a community that prizes rigorous methodologies and judicious conclusions.