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Getting It Right

If I could give a single piece of advice to the new administrators out there, it would be to pay...

Sunday Nights Since...

Back in high school, every Sunday night was torture. That was when the homework for the weekend that I'd been...

The Death March

I mentioned a few days ago that Kay McClenney's point about shortening the remediation death march was worth a post...


After five days away, upon opening the door: silence... silence...silence...“DADDY!” Three flying-tackle hugs nearly knock me over.For the rest of...

AACC Wrapup: A Discussion That Didn't Happen

Despite lower attendance, this year's AACC conference occasioned some wonderful conversations about all manner of topics, both officially and unofficially...

AACC Dispatch, Day Two: Danger Ahead!

I'm one of those people who reads the conference program, picks out the panels in advance, then changes the itinerary...

AACC Dispatch, Day One

Reader, I attended five panels on Sunday, so you don't have to. You're welcome. A few highlights: Kay McClenney's panel...

Said and Unsaid

First, the throat-clearing. Since Arizona doesn't do daylight savings time, it's three hours behind the East Coast during the spring...