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Education and Health Care: Connecting the Dots

An alert reader sent me a link to this post (and presentation) by Peter Orszag, Director of the Office of...

What the Stimulus Looks Like From Here

(Disclaimer: as I understand it, the Federal stimulus package is run through the states, so each state's version of this...

Policy Sleuthing

(After the last few days, it's nice to focus on something else again.) I just finished another go-round of policy...

Thank You

Thank you to all the supportive readers who left comments or sent emails after yesterday's post.I'm surprised to discover how...


My Dad died Friday. He was 69. He was at home. He had battled ALS – Lou Gehrig's disease –...

Ask the Administrator: The Most Effective Faculty Protest

A savvy correspondent writes: I'm writing because my large urban public university recently hired a high-profile person who, in a...

Ask the Administrator: Chairperson Interview Questions

A new correspondent writes: I was wondering if you could share some questions you might ask a chairperson candidate. Thank...

Why I Don't Envy Colleagues at Four-Year Colleges

I'm beginning to think that anytime I'm stuck for an idea, I should just read Tim Burke. This piece on...