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The Roving Reporter, Redux

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the AACC... Thanks to the good folks at, I'll...

Canadian Cold Front

An alert reader referred me to this story in the Toronto Star. Apparently, in response to loss of endowment income...

Thoughts on Libraries

This weekend I got an email from a librarian/blogger taking me to task for paying insufficient attention to librarian blogs...

Ask the Administrator: ERP!

A new correspondent writes: I am currently on the administrative market. I've had one interview, and this topic did not...

Ask the Administrator: Internships

A new correspondent writes: Recently I've noticed an increase of reports in the popular press proclaiming an "internship arms race"...

Insanely Proud of Both

Last night, after dinner, as The Wife, The Boy, The Girl, and I chat in the family room: TW: You...


In discussion with some colleagues from other colleges, I realized recently that different colleges handle 'stopouts' very differently. 'Stopouts' are...

Following Someone Nice

I'm increasingly convinced that one of the most common flaws of so many administrators is a misguided urge to be...