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Breakfast with The Boy

TB: Yesterday I was scared when I was in my room. I thought I saw an alien go by outside...

Sometimes, Facts Actually Matter

A month or two ago, I got into a colloquy on the blog about average ages of community college students...

Appeals and Do-Overs

For reasons too sensitive to blog about, I've recently had occasion to revisit the idea of grade appeals. From this...

Zombie Hunting

The popular press has been filled lately with references to zombie banks or zombie corporations, undead entities kept on life...

Silly Season

'Tis Spring – almost finals – and you can tell on campus. The characteristic signs are there: People walk much...

The Inbox Police

As I've gotten older, and more aware of the unintended consequences of things, I've become pickier in selecting acts of...

The Boy, on Scientists

TB had to write a piece about his hero for school. (Keep in mind, he's in second grade.) Enjoy! My...

Project-Based Education? A Response to Mark Taylor

Several alert readers sent me links to this column in the New York Times by Mark Taylor, a professor of...