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Ask the Administrator: Switching to a Single Income

A new correspondent whose wife, a teacher, is about to become a stay-at-home Mom writes: I have queried the Internet...

Ask the Administrator: Post-Tenure Review

Following up on yesterday’s post, a regular correspondent writes: In your latest blog post you lament the lifetime employment nature...

Progressive Discipline and the Tenure Clock

In most non-tenure based settings, managers use “progressive discipline” to address many employee issues. Progressive discipline is the practice of...

Dust in the Wind

For the benefit of those who wonder what administrators talk about in closed-door meetings, and why we come out looking...

A World Without Community Colleges

In the wake of yesterday’s post, which prompted notes from several alert readers reminding me that other states (such as...

Reno 911

With Wisconsin and Ohio getting most of the national attention lately, I’ve been struck by the amazing goings-on in other...

Friday Fragments

--I’m officially tired of using the wet/dry vac on the basement floor. Anytime this winter would like to go away...

Strategic Naivete

In grad school, postmodernists were thick on the ground. I learned quickly that the greatest sin one could commit, in...