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A Fearless Prediction

In the next two to three years, we will see a level of personnel movement in higher ed that will...

Community Colleges as Debtbusters

Oh sure -- the New York Times puts up a paywall, and then finally runs an intelligent article about community...

Remedial Levels

A few weeks ago I promised a piece on remedial levels. It’s a huge topic, and my own expertise is...

What's In a Name?

A returning correspondent writes: My state's community college system just got state money to offer job training. I assume this...

Speed Kills

How long does a search for a full-time faculty member take on your campus? I’ve been struck at the disconnect...

Ask the Administrator: Do CC Alums Have an Edge?

A new correspondent writes: I guess no one warned me earlier, but I really had no idea how dire it...


I’ve been chewing on this piece from IHE for several days now. Apparently, many women in the philosophy field have...

The Dark Side of Choice

An alert reader sent me a link to this article that suggests that too much choice (of courses and programs)...