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Supplanting and Budget Cuts

(Or, why I can send an English professor to a math conference, but I can't send a math professor to...

Trust Us, We're Experts

Historiann has a fascinating, and I think largely representative, take on a provocative article in the Washington Post about “fixing”...

Curriculum Above and Below

The outside world takes it for granted that colleges, particularly community colleges, should develop curricula to match the needs of...

When Accountants Attack

This actually happened. Probably due to something in the water, we’ve had an outbreak of pregnancies on campus over the...

The Cheese Stands Alone

Fresh off a glorious Super Bowl victory, the state of Wisconsin is apparently looking at rescinding collective bargaining rights for...

Acronym Soup

This confession is really awful for an academic administrator, but it’s true. My brain has run out of space for...

Sinecures and Sunsets

Too many management books are written from the perspective of the CEO. Most managers aren’t CEO’s; they’re somewhere in the...

From K-12 On Up...

The Boy and The Girl attend a pretty good public school district. It’s in a working/middle class suburb, and it...