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Dispatches from an Undisclosed Location

- I love this poem. Hat-tip to Mary-Kim Arnold for flagging it. - The Boy and The Girl had an...

"Put It Through Governance"

Shared governance has many definitions, and the boundaries can be fuzzy. But most academics have a pretty clear idea that...

Ask the Administrator: Worst Interview Response

I file this one under “instant classic.” A new correspondent writes: [I]f you are asked "how has your teaching changed...

Snooping Email

From the “just when you think it couldn’t get more ridiculous” files... The leadership of the Republican party in Wisconsin...

The Girl Discovers Injustice

The Girl was terribly upset last night. I asked her why. TG: The entire first grade had to miss recess...

In the Words of...

So Kennesaw State won't hire a strong candidate for provost because he once quoted Marx. Where do I start? I...


This piece in the New York Times -- motto: No Paywall ‘til Monday! -- and this post by Tenured Radical...

A Response to a Reader

What follows is a revised email exchange I had with a frequent commenter. I’m posting it here because I think...