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The always-interesting Tenured Radical has a worthwhile post on the priorities that “development” (that is, fundraising) offices tend to have...

A Rare Moment of Sanity in Congress

Recently, the Federal Education Department promulgated new rules -- ostensibly motivated by concerns about abuses in the for-profit sector of...

Seniors and Seniors

Our population of seniors is declining, but our senior population is exploding. Historically, high schools have been among our largest...

Who the Students Are, Part 1

Over 90 percent of our online students aren’t online students. They’re onsite students who also take online classes. They use...

Ask the Administrator: Should I Run for Chair?

A new correspondent writes: I am a rather new full time faculty member at a community college. I have not...

Ask the Administrator: A Budding Young Economist...

A longtime correspondent writes My oldest, 16, mentioned the other day that he's thinking about going to community college before...

Bertie Goes to College

Several alert readers pointed me this week to the launch of the New College of the Humanities in England. Although...


“But this is a wonderful program! The students love it, and the results are impressive! Why aren't you a fan?”...