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DH Communities and Searching for *mes intimes*

What I have discovered through my involvement in DH communities: intellectual intimacy.

Where Am I?

When you have to travel for conferences or research, the change of place and space can lead to some deeper questions about where we are.

Epiphany: TEI is Scholarship

Yes, I'm late to the party, but my first day at DHSI has taught me that, yes, encoding a document in TEI is an act of critical scholarship.

The Ignored in Conversations About the Future of Humanities

There's a lot of talk about the future of the humanities and humanities education here at Congress 2012. Guess who is missing from the discussion?

The Conference Hustle

Staying in residence for conferences.

More on the Economic Realities of Getting a PhD: Paying for Conference Season

How can you afford to pay upfront if there's no room on your credit cards (or you don't have one)?

Seeking "Celebrity," Evaluating Worth

In an environment where the celebrity academic is gaining more prominence, how do we evaluate what we're worth and make sure we're not giving it away?