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New Routines, Old Routines

Full title: New Routines, Old Routines; Good Routines, Bad Routines. Yes, my life has become one sad, sad Dr. Suess book, but with fewer rhymes.

Bad Female Academic: 'Mudwoman' Review

Mudwoman is Joyce Carol Oates's newest novel. It follows the mental breakdown of a female university president. Gothic or problematic?

Archive Fever

The Canadian government had cut funding to Library and Archives Canada. So I quote Derrida.

More Smaller Thoughts

I'm still recovering from my trip, so here are some shorter thoughts on current happenings.

Monday Musings

It's been a long eight weeks. But I'm back, and I have a few thoughts to ease myself back into blogging.

More on the Economic Myth of “Choice”

Life is a series of choices. But the choices we make are dictated by factors that are largely outside of our control; our choices are dictated by others’ choices and other circumstances that surround us. In both the debates about exploitation in academia and even within the feminist movement, the common refrain used to refute any complaints is that, “you have a choice” or “you made the choice, now live with it.”

Wait, What Just Happened?

Sometimes things change really quickly, forcing you to re-evaluate everything.

E-books versus e-music

Back in the day, music was expensive and books were cheap. A cassette (ahem) ran almost $15 and then a CD was at least $20. My books were (usually) paperbacks for less than $10. The library was also well-stocked with books that I wanted, while the music selection was less impressive. So my music collection largely consisted of mixed tapes I recorded off the radio and copies of the tapes of my friends. If there was a particularly expensive hardcover book I wanted, I would either get it from the library and buy it later in paperback or ask for it as a gift. We owned a lot of books in my house growing up (a lot of vinyl records, too), so it’s of little surprise that you would find me at swim meets plugged into my walkman, reading.