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“Momma, I Need You”

This morning (Tuesday), I tweeted The New Yorker article that is making the rounds about how American kids are spoiled. Compared to kids raised in tribes in the Amazon, our kids are positively useless (and we as parents are positively failing them). We tie their shoes for them and don’t let them cut the grass with machetes.

All the Way Back

A little over a year and a half ago, I wrote a post describing how I was finally going to get rid of my collection of Canadian Literature (and corresponding critical materials). In it, I lamented how I would never use or read the books ever again (or even for the first time). It was time, I declared, to let go of the past, who I was professionally, and embrace who I was becoming. How things have changed in a short 18 months.

“Success” and Having It All: A Response

I'll probably never have it all; does that make me a failure?

Beauty and Sports

The Olympics are right around the corner. To me, swimming is a thing of beauty.

Year of Ulysses

The Digital Humanities and public scholarship and engagement come together in this fantastic initiative.

Enough with Efficiency

Why higher education, particularly in the humanities, will, by definition, never be efficient, or at least efficient enough.

Blowing Up My CV

It's summer, so I thought it would be a good idea not just to add to my CV, but completely reimagine it.